Thursday, December 21, 2006

Snagging a PS3

I was trying to get a PS3 using the TechBargains and other search sites, but not having much luck. By the time I saw that site x had some available, I'd go there to their now-obviously-swamped site and get nothing. Plus, most of them were selling these heinous bundles trying to shove a bunch of hateful games down your throat, or make you pick 10 accessories to buy (out of a list of 12 or so....).

So, I came up with the strategy of just checking sites offering *unbundled* PS3s myself when they were listed as OUT of stock, figuring I'd have some slight chance to beat others to newly released systems. And, two days ago, my strategy WORKED! I went to the Sony Style site (supposedly out-of-stock according to all the monitoring sites), and much to my delight I saw the 'Add to Cart' button on the 60G PS3 screen! I rushed through and actually completed the transaction!

Not only did I get it unbundled for list at $599, but I got FREE 2-day shipping!

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